Handmade Kosher Scroll for Mezuzah Jewish Hebrew Klaf Shema Parchment 12cm/4.8"
A strip of parchment made from the skin of an animal that the Torah defines as pure. On it, by the hand of an experienced scribe, in a special script, which is used only for the scroll of the Torah, tefillin and mezuzah, two passages from the Torah are written: the first of them is "Shema, Israel!" ("Hear, O’ Israel"), the second - "And it will be: if you obey My commands ..." These passages contain the essence of the Jewish faith in the one Creator of the world.
The mezuzah is rolled up into a tube and put into a narrow long case, which protects the mezuzah from everything that can damage it: from dampness, sunlight, etc. If at least one letter of the mezuzah is erased, the entire mezuzah will become unusable.
Before attaching the mezuzah to the door frame, they bless: "Blessed are You, L-rd, our God. King of the Universe, who commanded us to attach the mezuzah."